Westlaw Middle East Tip - Current Awareness
Current Awareness allows users to search for legal developments and news from across the region. The search can be for the latest developments by limiting your search to the last 90 days or all legal developments across our full archive.
- Search for news and updates of interest by using the Free Text search field.
- Restrict your search to a subject area or by cases or legislation cited by using the Advanced Search.
- Alternatively, you can browse through the latest developments by the most recently added articles, or by document type or subject area.

Task based search
I would like to browse through the latest developments in Anti Money Laundering over the last 90 days.
Select the 90 days range and use the free text field to add your keywords.
Restrict the subject range in the Browse section to choose Administrative - Anti Money Laundering is a sub-topic.
Click Search to run your search.